Classic Scenery

Classic Airport Scenery List. A list of all airports available as classic scenery.

Classic Airport Map of the USA.  A map of all currently available classic civil airports in the USA. (right click link and choose Save to save image to your computer)
    (note that some small airports are not listed in areas where there are a lot of airports close together)

How to organize your Scenery Layers

It is important that you arrange your scenery layers in this order, for proper display:

Top of the list in the FS Scenery Library:
Any sceneries that state they must be at the top of the list
Global Mesh (FSGenesis, etc.)
Regional Mesh
Local Mesh
All classic airport and regional scenery layers (CA59/62, Stapleton, ArkLaMiss, etc.)
CalClassic Core
CalClassic Landclass
Any other addon scenery you may have (unless they tell you otherwise)
Static Library Objects
Addon Scenery
All default layers

How to install Scenery (FS2004 or FSX)

NEW: System 7 users when adding new scenery layers in the Scenery Library will need to right click the empty white box after clicking OK for the box to close and the scenery to be actually added to the library.

Follow the text file's instructions carefully to install FS2000 scenery.

Note that my recent scenery packages use an automated installer and thus do not follow the above instructions exactly.

Click on the image to download the scenery.

FS2004/FSX/P3D Scenery

***** Abacus EZ-Scenery Libraries, required for most classic sceneries.  Originally available from the now defunct Abacus site, you can download them here.

***** CalClassic Custom Scenery Library Files - these are required for almost all classic sceneries.

NOTE:  You must install File 1 first, and then File 2.  File 1 will not change from this point forward; you do not need to download it again when File 2 is updated.

FS2004 Custom Scenery Library File 1. Version 4a. This file (250 MB) contains almost all addon libraries needed by these sceneries. Once this is installed, you can normally ignore the "download and install these scenery libraries" advice in the text files, EXCEPT the EZ-Scenery libraries. Last updated on 11/9/15.  YOU MUST INSTALL THIS FILE BEFORE INSTALLING FILE 2.

FS2004 Custom Scenery Library File 2. Version 2. This file (3 MB) contains all updates added to the Custom Scenery Library after File 1 version 4a. Last updated on 10/15/21.

FSX Custom Scenery Library Update.  Converts version 3 to FSX format.  YOU MUST HAVE INSTALLED THE FS2004 VERSION ABOVE FIRST, INTO FSX.  Last updated on 6/26/14.

P3Dv4 Custom Scenery Libraries.  Part 2.  Part 3.  New version using DDS textures.  Converts version 4a above to P3Dv4 format.  Conversion from FS2004 version  by Ed Akridge.  Last updated on 1/15/19.

Now remove those pesky telephone poles in the middle of the taxiways in Classic scenery with this modified FS2004 terrain.cfg file!

To remove all of those unrealistically large default modern ships, download and install this modified library BGL file!

Note that simple backdated AFCAD files for many airports around the world, as well as Franciso Molo's SAEZ (Buenos Aires Ezeiza), KRS1 (old Rochester), and EG9E (Nutt's Corner) and old Los Angeles Grand Central airport are included in the AI package file available here.

North America South America Europe Asia Oceania Africa Ocean Stations

AI Traffic to match this scenery is available.

Note: Scenery packages with large photos have custom GMAX/FSDS/Sketchup terminals.

North America

FS2004 California Airports in or about 1959 and 1962.
 Mike Stevens and I have altered San Diego, Los Angeles, Oakland, Sacramento, and San Francisco and 35 other California airports to take them back to the 50's and early 60's (from period photos), so you can fly your classic planes in Classic Scenery!  The image above is of the LAX terminal area in 1962, with the famous "satellites".  The old 1950's terminal is in the far right background - just a few clicks in the Scenery Library will transform the scenery as it was in 1959, with the old terminal in use and the satellites just starting construction.  Other airports are also included (a total of 70!) with accurate airport layouts, although the buildings are not based on period photos. Enjoy!  Last modified on 1/31/17.

Hawaii 1959
FS2004 Hawaii 1959.
Mike Stevens, Al Courtney, and I have created Hawaiian airports as they were in 1959. Honolulu is included of course, reworked from the original scenery I did some time ago. But we've added all the other major (and some minor) airports in the rest of the state as well. Enjoy! Last modified on 12/3/13.

FSX Hawaii 1959. Kenny Fox, Bernward Bockheim, and I have converted the Hawaii 1959 scenery above into FSX format. You will also need to install the FS2004 Classic Libraries mega download and the FSX Classic Libraries Update (links above). Last updated on 3/27/14.

Pacific Northwest
FS2004 1960 Pacific Northwest Scenery.
Now version 2!  Mike Stevens and I have created this scenery to provide classic airports in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. We have over 25 airports using custom GMAX terminals and other building and a dozen more airports accurately backdated with generic terminals.  Thanks Mike! Last updated on 2/29/16

Las Vegas

FS2004 Las Vegas in 1959 or 1963 (KLAS). Now version 2 with ground equipment and oil spots.  Mike Stevens and I have created this scenery to backdate the Las Vegas area as it was in 1959 and 1963 (pictured). We've added custom GMAX buildings for the airport terminals as well as the hotels and casinos on the strip and downtown. These objects also include such landmarks as Vegas Vic pointing the way to the Pioneer Casino, the pool at the top of the Mint tower, the old Las Vegas Convention Center, the horse racing track, and many others. Also included is the Union Pacific train depot, with the City of Las Vegas getting ready to depart for Los Angeles (a total of over 100 custom GMAX objects!). Many objects are animated, including signs whose neon lights move and swoop as never before seen in FS! Last updated on 9/22/2021.

Southwest 1963
1963 Southwestern USA Scenery.
Now version 2! Mike Stevens and I have created this scenery to complete the southwestern US in the classic era. Several new GMAX terminals have been created, with many other details included. Don't forget to check out the classic billboards around the airports. Real advertisements have been used to create a wonderful look at 50's/60's advertising! Major airports include Phoenix, Tucson, Albuquerque (pictured), Salt Lake City, and Reno, along with many minor airports too. Thanks to Dee Waldron, who created the Heron 2B and the Piper PA28R Arrow used in this package for Apache and Thunderbird commuter AI traffic. Last updated on 10/22/22.

1959 Southwestern USA Scenery. I've backdated our 1963 scenery (above) so the old terminals at Phoenix, Tucson, Salt Lake City and Yuma are used instead. The new terminals at Phoenix and Yuma are gone, while the other two are under construction. All other features identical to the above scenery. Will install alongside the 1963 version, and let you pick the era from the Scenery Library.  Last updated on 10/22/22.

Stapleton 58

Stapleton 62
1958 and 1962 Denver Stapleton Airport (XDEN).  Now version 4.
Randy Cain created this great rendition of Stapleton's terminal in 1958, Mike Stevens created the 1962 version changes, Dan French created the new tower,, and I created some of the rest. Stapleton (now closed) was a main hub for United airlines, along with Western, Continental, Frontier, and several others. Thanks a lot Randy and Mike! Also includes 35 other backdated airports in Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana (using library object terminals). Last updated on 11/7/21.


1962 Miami Intl Airport (KMIA).  Al Courtney, Kenny Fox, and Tom Gibson have created the gateway to South America in the classic era, Miami International.  Miami airport had a very large number of airlines serving it, second only in the US to New York Idlewild.  It also featured a large number of charter and freight airlines, many of them in "Corrosion Corner" in the northwest corner of the airport.  Thanks to Al and Kenny for a fne job!  Last updated on 7/13/17.

KMSP 1962

1962 And 1959 Minneapolis St. Paul Intl. Airport (KMSP).  Mike Stevens and I have created the home of Northwest Airlines as it was in 1959 or 1962.  The terminal opened in January 1962, and so it was brand new.  Last updated on 2/24/20.


FS2004 1959 Louisiana-Mississippi-Memphis-Little Rock Scenery Mike Stevens has created this great scenery, complete with period billboards and drive-in theaters (I helped a little). It includes New Orleans, Memphis, Little Rock, and smaller Louisiana and Mississippi airports that had airline service (like Natchez above). Thanks! Last updated on 12/13/05.

FS2004 1962 Birmingham Airport Scenery (KBHM).  Birmingham is the largest city in Alabama and was known as The Pittsburgh of the South due to its steel industry.  Juan Antonio Martinez Castro and Al Von Pingel have created this very nice airport for us - thanks!  Last updated on 4/28/20.

FS2004 1958 Memphis Airport Scenery (KMEM). Paul Young has created a more correct Memphis airport. Just make sure to have this Memphis scenery layer above the ArkLaMiss layer. Thanks! Last updated on 6/11/10.

Texas Airports
FS2004 1962 Texas Airport Scenery. This fine scenery from Juan Antonio Martinez Castro., Jorge Rechani and Al V. Pingel (with a little help from Mike Stevens and Tom Gibson), includes almost all civil airports with airline service in Texas, as well as many of the air force bases too. This package incorporates the previous individual downloads for Dan French's KHOU/Houston and KSAT/San Antonio as well as KATT/Austin, and adds KDAL/Dallas Love too., Great job, guys! Last updated on 2/8/14.

Midland 1963
FS2004 1963 Midland Odessa Airport Scenery (KMAF).  Daniel French has created this fine airport, which is not included in the Texas package above.  Thanks!   Last updated on 4/16/20.

Waco Airport
FS2004 1960s Waco Airport Scenery (KACT).  This fine scenery from Dan French will help complete your Texas classic airports.  Thanks Dan!  Last updated on 3/20/2020.

Chicago Midway
FS2004 1959 Chicago Midway Airport (KMDW). Now version 2.1 with the help of Al Von Pingel!  Version 2.1 includes lots of new buildings and the overall airport improved using old photos, along with oilspots and ramp equipment!  Joachim Neff and I created the original version of this "busiest airport in the world" back then. It was too small for the jets, though, and quickly lost it's traffic to O'Hare airport - by 1962 it was a ghost town. Joachim created the very nice terminal in GMAX and I did much of the original airport layout work, and Al took this and added a lot of detail and extra features. I think it turned out great! Last modified on 4/24/20.   Previous version 2.0.   Last updated on 4/6/20.

Chicago O'Hare Airport
FS2004 1962 Chicago O'Hare Airport (KORD). The other major Chicago airport was O'Hare, named for a WWII pilot. When Midway had no room for expansion as the jets arrived, traffic moved here by 1962. Julio Birman and I have created this modification of the default ORD to backdate it to 1962, when it became "the busiest airport in the world". Now version 2 with added custom buildings from Al Courtney! Thanks Julio and Al! Last updated on 4/7/13.

FS2004 1962 Illinois Airports. To go with the Chicago airports above, here is scenery circa 1962 for some smaller Illinois airports. Includes Peoria, Moline, Springfield, Champaign, Bloomington, Decatur, Rockford, Danville, Sterling/Rockfalls Whitesite County, Galesburg (KPIA, KMLI, KSPI, KCMI, KBMI, KDEC, KRFD, KDNV, KSQI, and KGBG). By Juan Antonio Martinez Castro. Thanks! Last updated on 10/18/12.


FS2004 1962 New York Idlewild Airport (KJFK). Chris Helton has created a new, more detailed version of Idlewild airport in 1962.  This was the major international airport in the United States.  Thanks, Chris!  Last updated on 10/16/14.   Simple version.  I have created the major buildings (with signs) for all the terminals present in 1962, along with a backdated airport layout. Bill Tyne and I have created new Canarsie visual approaches for the AI aircraft to follow, edited the photorealistic ground textures, and added a few taxiway signs scattered about. Thanks Bill! Last modified on 10/15/09.

FS2004 1958 New York Idlewild Airport (KJFK). The 1958 version is already included in Chris Helton's download above.  Simple version.  I have backdated the 1962 airport above (by removing all of the individual airline's unit terminals) to 1958. Both packages may be installed, and desired year selected in the Scenery Library. Last modified on 12/3/09.

LaGuardia Airport
FS2004 New York La Guardia Airport 1959 (KLGA).  Now version 2. Jaap de Baare, Mike Stevens and I have created this scenery for New York's domestic airport circa 1959. This scenery comes complete with Jaap's Marine Air Terminal and PAA 5 sided hangar. A new terminal and lengthened runways were in place by 1964, to accomodate the jets. Last updated on 7/16/17.

FSX 1950 Version by Casey Brasel.  A completely updated version, with many improvements.  Last updated on 7/6/17.

Washington National
FS2004 Washington National Airport 1960 (KDCA). Now version 3!  Chris Helton is the author of this fine airport at the US capital city, and he has done a great job, and Mike Stevens has made some fine improvements with version 3. While DCA was the "close in" airport, it couldn't handle the jets of the era. So Baltimore (KBWI) handled the jets (download separately). Chris also included the airports just across the Potomac River, Anacostia NAS/Bolling AFB. Thanks! Last updated on 10/16/21.

Boston Logan
FS2004 Boston Logan Airport 1959 and 1962 (KBOS). Now version 2! This nice scenery from Chris Gorodetzky includes the distinctive curved terminal as it was in 1959 and in 1962, after the extra fingers were added. Boston was a major domestic and international airport in our era. Thanks Chris! Last updated on 4/18/20.

FS2004 Newark Intl Airport 1958 (KEWR). Another great scenery from Chris Gorodetzky! This one is Newark, which was the third New York airport, after Idlewild and La Guardia. This was actually the first New York airport, before the other two were built. Thanks Chris! Last updated on 6/25/13.


FS2004 Philadelphia Intl. Airport 1962 and 1958 (KPHL). Chris Gorodetzky has created this very nice rendition of the Philadelphia's airport.  He has created both 1958 and 1962 (with an extended runway for the new jets).  Often a forgotten airport, it had service from all the major airlines of the area, and even had nonstop service to Europe from Pan American.  Thanks again Chris!  Last updated on 8/10/14.

Pittsburgh 1962
FS2004 Greater Pittsburgh Airport 1962 (KPIT).  Mike Stevens and I have created this important airport in western Pennsylvania, while Nick Botamer created the unique terminal building.  Thanks!  Last updated on 5/2/22.  Updated version with military traffic by Al Von Pingel.  Last updated on 2/5/23.


FS2004 Pennsylvania Airports Vol. 1 1958-1960.  Here is a nice collection of some of the smaller airports in Pennsylvania that have been backdated to our era.  Included is Scranton, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Johnstown, Mid-State, Bradford, Hazleton, Altoona, and Franklin.  Thanks to J. Czarnecki for all the hard work!  Last updated on 3/25/2016.

Ft. Worth Amon Carter Airport
FS2004 Forth Worth Amon Carter Field 1962 (KACF). This scenery is dated just before the airport's expansion in late 1962. After that it was known as Greater Southwest Intl Airport. While most know it as Amon Carter, before that it was officially Greater Ft. Worth Intl. It always was battling for traffic with Dallas Love Field, a battle it usually lost. Just across the street from the current DFW, it was torn down after DFW opened. Kristopher Crook created the terminal building and American Hangar, while I created much of the rest. Note that this scenery removes DFW airport when activated. Last updated on 4/2/08.

Atlanta Airport
FS2004 1957/1962/1972 Atlanta Municipal/Hartsfield Airport (KATL). Juan Martinez and Stan Winke have modified David Henderson's fine KATL scenery to 3 different years, adding a lot of great details along the way. The 1957 airport is the old one, while in 1962 the new terminal had just opened (pictured above). The old terminal was still used as a cargo terminal until a new one was built a few years later. Finally, in 1972 the fingers had the circular additions and the old terminal was replaced by an Eastern hangar. Thanks all! Last updated on 3/27/13.

Baltimore Airport

FS2004 Baltimore Friendship 1957 (KBWI). Baltimore was the "jet" airport for Washington DC before Dulles opened in 1963. Al Courtney has created this very nice airport - thanks!! Last updated on 3/5/10.

FS2004 Kansas City Municipal Airport 1960 (KMKC). Kenny Fox has created this very nice scenery that models the very small Kansas City airport before things moved to KMCI. It comes complete with custom terminals, as well as detail objects. Great job! Last updated on 6/24/09. Modified parking to accommodate the CalClassic AI traffic at the airport. Last updated on 6/24/09.   FSX version.  Last updated on 10/16/14.

FS2004 Kansas City TWA Headquarters. Jorge Rechani has created the TWA headquarters in downtown Kansas City, a perfect companion for Kenny's KMKC scenery. It even has a replica of the Disneyland Moonliner rocket on the roof! Thanks, Jorge. Last updated on 11/2/12.

FS2004 Kansas City Municipal Airport 1958 (KMKC). Here is an earlier version of the Kansas City airport. Paul Young has created this one, and AFAIK it's the first classic scenery with the terminal created in Sketchup, which is much easier to use than GMAX and FSDS. I have a tutorial on the process too. This package also include Fairfax airport across the river. Download the fix too. Thanks! Last updated on 2/18/10.


FS2004 Oklahoma City Will Rogers Airport 1962 (KOKC).  Dan French has created the airport named for one of America's most beloved sages, Will Rogers.  This fills in a gap in the routes across the US - thanks!  Last updated on 1/27/15.

Cincinnati Airport

FS2004 Greater Cincinnati Airport 1963 (KCVG). Dan French has also created this very nice rendition of this Midwestern airport - thanks!

Charlotte Airport
FS2004 Charlotte Douglas Airlport 1961 (KCLT). Named in honor of Charlotte Mayor Ben Elbert Douglas Sr, the airport connected various popular destinations on the east coast. This very nice rendition was created by Julius Czarnecki. - thanks! Last updated on 2/14/14.

FS2004 Miami International Airport 1956 (KMIA). Let's go down to where the palm trees sway and the weather's always warm - Miami, Florida. This 1956 scenery (before the much larger terminal was built) was created by Kenny Fox, and he's done a great job. Also includes Key West scenery for 1950. Thanks! Last updated on 10/20/09.

FS2004/FSX Key West Airport 1950 (KEYW). As part of the Miami Airport scenery listed above, Kenny has also included Key West in 1950. Thanks! Last updated on 10/20/09.

Fort Lauderdale
FS2004 Ft. Lauderdale Airport 1962 (KFLL).  Frank Gonzalez has created this scenery of one of Florida's more interesting airports.  Thanks!  Last updated on 4/26/20.


FS2004 Jacksonville Airport 1962 (KJIF). Imeson Field was replaced by Jacksonville International aiport (KJAX) in 1968. This scenery will bring back Imeson Field (and remove KJAX), including the ANG base.  This was created by Al Von Pingel and Dan French.  Thanks!  Last updated on 4/8/23.

Madison Airport

FS2004 1955-1962 Madison Municipal Airport (KMSN).  This civil airpot and ANG base has been created by Al Von Pingel, with help from Dan French.  Thanks!  Last updated on 2/20/23.

1959 Anchorage Airport
FS2004 Anchorage International Airport 1959 (PANC). Juan Antonio Martinez Castro, Mike Stevens, and I have created this Alaska airport as it was in 1959. Other than an extended runway in 1960 (to 10,600 ft), the airport was essentially unchanged until the huge 1964 earthquake. Great job! Last updated on 11/10/12.

Fairbanks Airport
FS2004 Fairbanks International Airport 1962 (PAFA). This fine terminal was created by Al Courtney, and Al and I created the rest of the airport too. :) Fairbanks was the hub of not only Pan American in Alaska, but of Wien Air Alaska as well. Alaska Airlines flew here from Seattle as well, so it was a busy place. Thanks Al! Last updated on 12/3/12.

Des Moines Airport
FS2004 Des Moines Airport 1955 (KDSM). Paul Young and Nikko Yaginuma have created this Iowa airport as it was back in the 50's. Thanks guys! Last updated on 1/19/11.

Mexico City

FS2004 Mexico City Airport 1962 (MMMX).  Eduardo Rocha, Mike Stevens, and Tom Gibson have created this major international airport of Mexico, as it was in 1961.  This provides a nice stopover from the US to Central and South American - thanks!  Last updated on 12./31/18.

Havana 62
FS2004 1962 Havana Cuba Scenery (MUHA).
Mike Stevens has produced this very nice representation of Havana's classic 1950's-1960's airport. It also includes several casinos, cathedrals, and the El Morro Fortress guarding the harbor entrance. Thanks! Last modified on 6/4/07.

Bermuda Kindley Airport
FS2004 1955-1962 Bermuda Kindley Field Airport (TXKF).  This important stopover for both civil and US military traffic has been created by Ken Lawson, Al Von Pingel, and Dan French.  Thanks!  Last updated on 12/3/2022.

FS2004 1955-1958 Kingston Jamaica Airport (MKJP).  Ken Lawson has created this airport before it was expanded in the early 1960s.  Thanks!  Last updated on 11/18/2023.

Montego Bay

FS2004 1955-1957 Montego Bay Jamaica Airport (MKJS).  Here is another great airport from Ken Lawson from the 1950's - thanks!  Last updated on 12/5/23.


FS2004 1955-1957 Nassau Bermuda Airport (MYX6).  Ken Lawson has done it again, this time with an airport that was used before the current one (MYNN), until November of 1957.  Thanks!  Last updated on 2/11/24.


FS2004 1962 Warner Robins AFB (KWRB) and Macon Municipal (KMCN) Scenery.  Now version 2!  Warner Robins was the major MATS maintenance base in the USA.  Located in Georgia, it was very important to the MATS mission.  Thanks to Wolfgang Gersch for this fine rendition and adding Macon, GA as well.  Last modified on 12/1/17.


FS2004 1955-1958 Gander Scenery (CYQX).  This important stopover for transatlantic traffic in the early classic era has been created by Ken Lawson.  Thanks!  Last updated on 3/4/23.  Later 1959 version is listed below.


FS2004 1955-1957 Moncton Scenery (CYQM).  Moncton was another one of the technical stops for transatlantic flights, but also had a significant Canadian airline presence.  This is another airport created by Ken Lawson designed to provide the needed stops for early transatlantic flight - thanks!  Last updated on 1/7/23.

Sydney Nova Scotia

FS2004 1955-1957 Sydney Nova Scotia Scenery (CYQY).  Sydney was one of the technical stops for transatlantic flights, especially if Gander or Goose Bay were closed for weather.  Ken Lawson has created this essential classic airport - thanks!  If FS9 crashes when you use the map and you have Goose Bay installed, check out the text file.  Last updated on 1/7/23.

Goose Bay

FS2004 1955-1962 Goose Bay AFB (CYYR) Scenery.  This fine scenery backdates  the available Flight Ontario modern scenery to 1955 - 1962.  This was a stopover for the military and some airlines on transatlantic flights, as well as being a major airbase.  It was created by Al Von Pingel, Dan French, Bill Douglas, and Ken Lawson - thanks guys!  Includes military AI traffic not included in the CalClassic AI traffic.  Note there is an updated file in the Sydney scenery above.  Last updated on 12/25/21.

Note:  After the Flight Ontario installation, remove the Traffic_CYYR.bgl file from the FS2004/Scenery/World/scenery folder.  Also, any folders installed by Flight Ontario into the FS2004/Aircraft folder can also be removed (assuming you are not going to run the modern airport).

Stephenville Harmon

FS2004 1955-1962 Stephenville/Harmon AFB (CYJT) Scenery.  Another fine scenery for a major stopover for MATS and the USAF when crossing the Atlantic, this time by Al Von Pingel, Dan French, and Ken Lawson.  As you can see, there was a small civil part of the airport as well.  Thanks!  Last updated on 12/26/21.

Charleston 1962

FS2004 1957/1962 Charleston SC Municipal and AFB (KCHS) Scenery.  Al Von Pingel and Ken Lawson have created this fine rendition of Charleston airport in 1957 and 1962.  Thanks! Last updated on 4/26/21.  FSX version by Dan French.  Last modified on 10/25/20.

Travis AFB
FS2004 1955-1962 Travis AFB (KSUU).  The main MATS base on the west coast of the US was Travis, near San Francisco.  Flights from this base flew to all military bases in the Pacific, Australia, and Asia.  This fine scenery was created by Al Von Pingel, with many of the buildings created by Dan French.  Thanks so much!  Last updated on 7/11/22.

McGuire AFB
FS2004 1955-1962 McGuire AFB (KWRI) Scenery.  This air force base in New Jersey was the main staging base for MATS on the East Coast, and provided flights across the Atlantic Ocean.  Al Von Pingel has created a great version of this important base, with Dan French providing many of the buildings.  Thanks!  Last updated on 4/14/22.

FS2004 1962 St. Louis Lambert Field (KSTL). Paul Young and I have been able to backdate Gary Widup's great (but modern) St. Louis airport scenery into 1962! Follow the instructions carefully, since these files will sit in a scenery layer above Gary's scenery layer and change them back to 1962. Change to modern times with a mouse click! Also requires Gary Widup's St. Louis airport scenery. Last updated on 1/6/09.

Raleigh Durham
FS2004 Raleigh Durham Airport (KRDU).  Frank Gonzalez and Paul Young have created the Raleigh-Durham airport as it was in the classic era.  Thanks!  Last updated on 4/25/20.

FS2004 1956 Roanoke Woodrum Field (KROA). Kenny Fox has created this great little airport, just perfect for those trips down to Virginia. Thanks! Last updated on 1/18/10.

Dayton Airport

FS2004 Dayton James M. Cox Airport 1956 (KDAY). Al Courtney has created this very nice depiction of the Dayton, OH airport back in the 1950's. Thanks!! Last updated on 2/18/10.

St. Petersburg Airport

FS2004 St. Petersburg Pinellas Intl Airport 1957 (KPIE). Al has also done the St. Petersburg, FL airport, this time from 1957! Thanks again. Last updated on 2/18/10.

FS2004 1951 Ford Island NAS (NPS). This very nice rendition of the Navy's facility in Honolulu was created by Randy Cain. Based on an aerial photo, it probably looked much like this throughout our era. You will need to have the large CalClassic sceneries installed (the ones listed at the top) to have the addon libraries installed. Thanks Randy! Last updated on 10/5/08.

FS2004 1963 Tijuana Mexico Airport (MMTJ). This neat little airport just below the US border was created by Mike Stevens. You can see the border fence from the end of the runway! In 1963 this was an Aeronaves de Mexico stronghold, although Mexicana and Trans Mar de Cortes served it in earlier years. Thanks Mike! Last updated on 4/9/08.

FS2004 1962 Acapulco Mexico Airport (MMAA).  Becoming the playground for the rich and famous, Acapulco airport was not yet a major airport, but was quite charming.  Jorge L. Rechani has created this very nice spot on the "Mexican Riviera".  Last updated on 2/13/18.

Frobisher Bay
FS2004 1962 Frobisher Bay Airport (CYFB).  Mike Stevens has produced this scenery for a Canadian airport in the far north often used for fuel stops on polar flights between California and Europe.  Thanks!  Last updated on 10/14/21.

Gander Airport
FS2004 1959 Gander Airport (CYQX). Wolfgang Gersch has produced scenery for this airport so necessary to early transatlantic flight. Thanks! Last updated on 10/12/06.

FS2002/FS2004 DEW Line Stations. This file adds 78 DEW Line radar stations (and airports) to northern Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. Al Gay and Bear Baker created them - thanks! (12 MB). FS2004 update by Curt Jardy - required for FS2004! Last updated on 1/2/08.

Hamilton AFB
FS2004 Hamilton AFB Scenery. This scenery recreates the Air Force Base at San Rafael just north of San Francisco. It was created by Al Von Pingel.  Thanks! Last updated on 12/16/24.

FS2004 Alameda NAS Scenery. This scenery by Derek and Brendan Webb reopens the Alameda Naval Air Station in San Francisco Bay. Download the patch too. Although this is modern scenery, the NAS has changed very little over the years. Thanks again! AFCAD file by Noel Sivertson, allows AI aircraft to use the base. Place a copy of this AFCAD file into your FS2004/Scenery/World/scenery folder to correct the AI aircraft elevations, as well as a copy into the scenery's Alameda folder. Last updated on 3/10/09.

FS2004 1962 Pan American Building (NYC). This file will transform the current MetLife building back into the original Pan Am Building. Built in the early 1960's, this landmark later (1965) had a heliport on the roof. If do not care about the heliport (not used by my helicopter AI traffic), all you need to do is replace the two default BMP files. If you want the heliport to show up in FS, you need to follow all of his instructions. Thanks to Ben Zwebner! Last updated on 5/19/08.

SF Bay Bridges
FS2004/FS2002 San Francisco Bay Area Bridges. Mike Mahat has created new bridges for the Bay Area to replace the default ones. These are such an improvement! If you do not have an addon mesh for the Golden Gate Bridge area the bridge won't meet the land, but this can be fixed with these files from Noel Sivertson. Since the Dumbarton bridge was replaced in 1982 and the default bridge looks more like the old one, you can move two BGL files, dumbarton.bgl and exclude_dumbarton.bgl from the Bay Area Bridges/scenery folder into the main Bay Area Bridges folder to get the look closer to the 1960's. Last updated on 4/13/08.


London 1962
FS2004/FSX London Airport (Heathrow) 1962 (EGLL).  Chris Helton, Ken Lawson, Bill Douglas, and I have modeled the London Airport as it was in the summer of 1962, after all international traffic had moved from the North Terminal to the Oceanic Terminal (pictured).  Thanks to all!  Last updated on 6/27/21.

London 1959
FS2004/FSX London Airport (Heathrow) 1959 (EGLL).  Chris Helton, Ken Lawson, Bill Douglas, and I have modeled the London Airport as it was in the summer of 1959, while all international traffic was still parking at the original North Terminal.  Thanks!  Last updated on 7/11/21.

London 1956
FS2004/FSX London Airport (Heathrow) 1956 (EGLL).  Here is the London Airport as it was in 1956, before the second BOAC and BEA hangars were built.  Created by Chris Helton, Ken Lawson, Bill Douglas, and I.. Thanks!  Last updated on 7/20/21.

London 1953
FS2004 London Airport (Heathrow) 1953 (EGLL).  Ken Lawson has done a wonderful job creating the original airport as it was between 1946 when the airport began serving the airlines and 1955 when the Central terminal area opened.  This original area was  called the North Terminal after 1955, and served international flights until the Oceanic Terminal opened in 1961-2.  Thanks Ken!  Last updated on 1/18/16.

FS2004 Central Europe 1961. This massive effort by Wolfgang Gersch, Harry Biard, Michael Schneider,Jaap de Baare, Nikko Yaginuma, Tom Gibson, Bernard Leuenberger and Mike Stevens includes the major airports in Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, Austria, and Switzerland. Check out the detail around the airport, and the moving vehicles! Last updated on 5/14/13.

FS2004 Central Europe - Belgian Airports 1961. To finish Central Europe, Harry Biard, Nikko Yaginuma, Jaap de Baare, Wolfgang Gersch, Tom Gibson and Bernard Leuenberger have built 4 airports in Belgium, including Brussels (EBBR, seen above). Thanks guys! Last updated on 9/30/13.  Video tour on YouTube by Bob Nesbitt.

FS2004 Paris Orly Airport 1961 (LFPO). Now version 2 with a highly detailed terminal and better details! Harry Biard has created this amazing airport, complete with a road tunnel through the heart of the place! He had the help of Nikko Yaginuma, Jaap de Baare, Wolfgang Gersch, Bernard Leuenberger and myself in this big project. Orly was the major international airport in Paris in 1961, shared with the somewhat smaller La Bourget, available below. Thanks guys! Last updated on 12/7/13.

FS2004 Paris Orly Airport 1966 (LFPO). This version of the airport, created by the same team as the 1961 airport above, updates the airport to 1966, with the addition of a new control tower. Last updated on 12/7/13.

FS2004 1960 Paris Le Bourget Airport (LFPB). Now version 2! Wolfgang Gersch, Volker Boehme and Rui Cristina have created this wonderful scenery of this famous Paris airport in 1960. The classic terminal building, the old hangars - they're all here! Le Bourget was the main airport in the 30's and 40's and still had quite a bit of airline traffic in 1960, although many airlines had transferred to Orly by then. Thanks! Last updated on 1/19/11.

FS2004 1961 Bordeaux Merignac Airport (LFBD).  Another great airport in France!  This time Harry Biard, Alejandro Ramirez, and Bernard Leuenberger are the creators of this fine scenery.  This airport features a civil and a military side. It comes complete with an animated crash tender truck too.  Thanks!  Last updated on 12/16/14.

FSX/P3D version, by the same authors.  Use the Download through your Browser link.  Thanks!  Last updated on 10/28/15.

FS2004 1960 Nice Cote d'Azur Airport (LFMN). Harry Biard, Johan Dees, Jaap de Baare, Wolfgang Gersch, Nikko Yaginuma and Tom Gibson have created this spectacular scenery, which is classic airport scenery at its most detailed. Nice was an important airport on the south coast of France, often used as an intermediate stop between France and Africa. Thanks! Last updated on 12/23/12.   FSX version converted by Casey Brasel.  Last updated on 4/2/16.

FS2004 Animated Crash Tender Add On for 1960 Nice Cote d'Azur Airport (LFMN).
Harry Biard, Jaap de Baare and Bernhard Leuenberger have created an animated crash tender add on for the Nice (France) airport scenery - thanks! Last updated on 4/7/13.

FS2004 1963 Grenoble Mermoz Airport (LFG1).  Alejandro Ramirez, with the help of Gérard Benoit,  Jaap de Bare, and Tom Gibson has created a small airport in Grenoble, France.  This is mostly used by GA and charter aircraft.  Thanks! (Click on the "Download through your Browser" link)  Last updated on 10/17/15.

FS2004 1962 Aix-le-Bains/Chambery Airport (LFLB)
.  Alejandro Ramirez, Bernard Leuenberger, Jaap De Baare, Harry Biard, and Gerard Benoit have created this nice airport in Chambéry, France, used by both GA and military aircraft.  Thanks!. Now version 1.1.  Last updated on 12/18/20.

Berlin Tempelhof Airport
FS2004 1962 Berlin Tempelhof Airport (EDDI). The iconic symbol of the Berlin Airlift in the late 1940's, Tempelhof airport was the major airport for West Berlin in the 1950's, and for Pan Am and BEA in the 1960's. It actually was a US Air Force base, and the MATS traffic shuttles in and out of here regularly. Mike Stevens and Juergen Seidel have done a great job capturing this imposing edifice - a remnant of the Nazis before WWII. Thanks! Last updated on 10/25/08.

Berlin Tegel Airport
FS2004 1961 Berlin Tegel Airport (EDDT).
This very nice rendition of Berlin's airport in the French Sector has been created by Mike Stevens. Air France used Templehof during the 50's, but transferred its flights to Tegel in the early 60's. Other airlines followed later. Thanks! Last modified on 10/25/08. Update to accommodate the AI French Air Force Deux Ponts in the updated Classic AI Traffic package. Last updated on 12/1/11. (Must have the Classic AI package installed.)

Berlin Gatow Airport
FS2004 1960's Berlin Gatow Airport (EDUG). Each Allied occupying country (USA, Britain, and France) had an airport in West Berlin, and Gatow was the British example. Never used by the airlines (BEA used Tempelhof), it was an RAF base and was used by charter airlines for RAF trooping flights and other related purposes. Gatow was closed in the 1990's and is now the site of the Luftwaffe museum and residential housing. This relatively unknown airport was created by Manfred Jahn, who has personal memories of it. Thanks so much! Last updated on 10/25/08.

FS2004 1963 East Germany Scenery. This wonderfully detailed scenery was created by Mike Stevens, who spent several years in the country. It includes most airports in East Germany that had airline service in 1963. They include Berlin-Schönefeld (pictured), Eisenach, Erfurt, Karl-Marx-Stadt (Chemnitz), Leipzig-Schkeuditz (Halle), Leipzig-Mockau, Dresden-Klotsche, Barth, Heringsdorf, Anklam, and Sellin. It also includes small details like Trabant cars, Ikarus buses, security personnel, flags, posters, etc. The center of Berlin also has had details added, including the Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, guard posts, and several others. Thanks for a great project, Mike! Last updated on 10/25/08.

FS2004 1960 Copenhagen Kastrup Airport (EKCH).
Now version 2! Jens Kristensen has created this beautiful rendition of Copenhagen's airport after the new terminal opened. Definitely looks Scandinavian! This distinctive terminal was home to most of SAS's international flights, and as you can see the DC-7C is well represented indeed. Thanks a lot Jens! Last updated on 4/9/09.

FS2004 1962 Manchester Ringway Airport (EGCC). David Maltby has very graciously backdated his 1975 scenery of this English airport to its appearance in 1962, just after the new terminal opened. I did only a little AFCAD editing. Thanks so much for the great airport! Last updated on 2/25/09.

FS2004 1960 Glasgow Renfrew Airport (EGRF). Nikko Yaginuma has started with Geoff Smith's very nice Glasgow Renfrew scenery and added lots of little details and reworked the ground areas of the airport, along with modifying the AFCAD file so it works with the AI traffic package. Thanks to both of you! Last updated on 4/15/09.


FS2004 1955-1959 London Blackbushe (EGLK).  Opened in 1942 as RAF Hartford Bridge it was used for fighter, bomber and photo reconnaissance work before being renamed Blackbushe and transferred to the Ministry of Civil Aviation in 1947, becoming London's second airport. It was closed in 1960 as a result of the development of London Gatwick. Before that it had become home to the rapidly growing British independent airline industry and often provided a valuable alternate for Heathrow when it was restricted by fog. It was also a major European base for the US Navy. Since 1960 it has continued to serve general aviation under private ownership on a much more restricted site. By Ken Lawson and Al Von Pingel.  Last updated on 3/14/05.


FS2004 1962 Iceland including Reykjavik (BIRK) and Keflavik (BIKF) Airports.  Mike Stevens has created the two major airports in Iceland - Reykjavik, the civil airport served by Icelandair and Loftleidir and Keflavik, the US military base served by Pan Am.  Thanks.  Last updated on 4/27/18.

Moscow Airports
FS2004 1963 Moscow Airports Scenery. We have been asking for Russian scenery for a while now, and finally Michael Schneider has created the two major Moscow Airports, Sheremetyevo (UUEE) and Vnukovo (UUWW), as they were in 1963. The former was the international airport opened in 1960; the latter was used as a domestic airport after that. Thanks so much! Last updated on 1/17/11. Note: See below for Moscow Bykovo scenery.

Rome Fiumicino

FS2004 1961 Rome Fiumicino Airport Scenery (LIRF).  Michael Schneider, Tom Gibson, and Mike Stevens have created this fine rendition of Rome's major airport soon after the new terminal opened in 1960.  Thanks!  Last updated on 4/6/23.

FS2004 1959 Lisbon Airport (LPPT). Harry Biard, Jaap de Baare, Wolfgang Gersch and myself have teamed up to create a beautiful rendition of the airport at Lisbon, Portugal, a city often at the center of aviation progress. The Pan American Clippers flew into Lisbon harbor on the southern route across the Atlantic, and in 1959 it was still an important stop on that same route. Enjoy! Last updated on 2/19/09.

Athens 1962

FS2004 1962 Athens Ellinikon Airport (LGAT).  Moraitis Vangelis has released a modern version of this airport - nice job!  With his permission I have backdated it to 1962, and this is the result.  Athens was an important waypoint on the route between Europe and Asia.  Thanks Moraitis!  Last updated on 10/23/15.

Athens 1955

FS2004 1955 Athens Hellinikon Airport (LGAT).  Ken Lawson has created this earlier version of Athen's main aiport.  Thanks!  Last Updated on 11/4/24.


FS2004 1962 Santa Maria Airport (LPAZ).  This important stop on the Trans-Atlantic run during the early days of commercial traffic between North America and Europe has been created by Jorge Rechani, with help from Ken Lawson.  Thanks!  Last updated on 5/23/23,

Shannon 1954

FS2004 1954 Shannon Airport (EINN).  This important stopover for early propliners on the trans-Atlantic route has been created by Ken Lawson.  This is the airport in its heyday, with many planes arriving and passengers enjoying the duty free shops while their plane is being refueled.  Thanks!  Last updated on 2/14/23.

Istanbul Airport

FS2004 1960 Istanbul Yesilkoy Airport 1960 (LTBA). This fine scenery by Julius Czarnecki models Istanbul's airport that has a long history. The commercial airport first opened to passenger service in 1924 and served as an important gateway to Asia and the Middle East. Thanks! Last updated on 3/24/14.

Malta Luqa

FS2004 1965 Malta Luqa Airport (LMML). Now Version 2!  Ian Elliot has created this very nice rendition of the RAF base on Malta, also used by commercial aircraft. This "island fortress" was an important stopover in the Mediterranean Sea. Thanks! Last updated on 12/17/21.

FS2004 1962 Cyprus including Nicosia Airport (LCNC). This  scenery by Mike Stevens will open up the Nicosia, Cyprus aiport, since closed by civil strife. It replaces the modern day Larnica airport (LCLK). Mike has also included other RAF airports on the island.  Thanks! Last modified on 4/27/18.

RAF Burtonwood
FS2004 1955-1957 RAF Burtonwood  (EGOB).  Burtonwood was for some years the most important air base in the United Kingdom, at least in terms of its size and the amount of traffic which passed through it. Assigned to the USAF after WWII, it became a major MATS terminal.  A new control tower and terminal building opened in 1955. Then disaster struck when the site began to suffer from mining subsidence. MATS left for Mildenhall in 1958.  A great job by Ken Lawson, Al Von Pingel, and Dan French.  Thanks!  Last updated on 9/2/22.

Lajes AFB
FS2004 1955-1962 Lajes AFB (LPLA).  This scenery is a back dated treatment of John Stinstrom's great modern version of this important air base in the Azores.  It covers the period 1955-1962 with complete ai traffic for four separate years.  By Al Von Pingel and Ken Lawson. Thanks!  Last updated on 7.24/23.

London Gatwick Airport
FS2004 1961 London Gatwick Airport (EGKK).
Nikko Yaginuma has created this very nice rendition of Gatwick airport soon after it was rebuilt in the late 1950's. This was the London airport for many of the charter and cargo airlines. BEA and other airlines also flew scheduled service out of Gatwick. Thanks! Last updated on 8/25/09.

FS2004 1962 Prestwick Airport (EGPK).  One of the major airports commonly used as the eastern end of trans Atlantic flights has been Prestwick, in Scotland.  This airport was also the home of Scottish Aviation, producer of the Twin Pioneer and several other notable aircraft.  Tom Gibson and Mike Stevens have created this airport as it was in 1962.  Last updated on 5/1/16.

Rome Ciampino Airport
FS2004 1960 Rome Ciampino Airport (LIRA). Here's a beautiful airport for you to fly into Italy with. Wolfgang Gersch has created this wonderful version of Rome's airport before Fiumicino opened. Thanks! Last updated on 1/2/07.

FS2004 Goteborg Torslanda Airport (ESGB). Francisco Molo created this nice airport for Goteborg, Sweden, which was used until the new airport (ESGG) was opened in 1977. Thanks! Last updated on 5/29/13.

FS2004 1963 Moscow Bykovo Airport (UUBB). This very nice scenery was done by Aleksey Rubtsov (Rulexy). This is a modern airport - to backdate the airport layout (only), also download this CalClassic Update file. Use the instructions in the Update file to install both downloads. This was Moscow's third commercial airport in the classic era, and flew smaller planes to local destinations. Thanks! Last updated on 1/28/11.

Shannon Airport
FS2004 1960 Shannon Airport (EINN).
Wolfgang Gersch has produced another airport scenery for the other end of the typical early transatlantic flight. Thanks again! Last updated on 11/28/06.

Oslo Airport
FS2004 1960 Oslo Fornebu Airport (ENFB). Wolfgang Gersch and I have teamed up to produce this representation of Oslo's Fornebu airport, which was closed in 1998. It also reduces the current Gardermoen international airport to the small GA airport of the period. Enjoy! Last updated on 7/31/07.

FS2004 Malmo Bulltofta Airport 1963 (ESMM). Nikko Yaginuma has created this nice approximation of the old Malmo (Sweden) Bulltofta airport. This airport was hemmed in by the city, and was replaced by Sturup airport in 1972. Thanks! Last updated on 1/19/09.

Liverpool Airport
FS2004 1960 and 1967 Liverpool Speke Airport (EGGP). Paul Derbyshire has released his EGGP VFR Landmarks sceneries, one of which is this very nice rendition of the old terminal complex, which is some distance from the default airport. I have converted his scenery into a complete airport, for both 1960 (using the original runways) and 1967 (using the new runway, quite a taxi from the terminal). You will also need to download Paul's original file. Last modified on 1/25/07.

FSX 1960 Liverpool Speke Airport (EGGP). Casey Brasel has converted our FS2004 scenery to FSX format. Thanks! Last updated on 4/17/14.

Coventry Airport
FS2004 1950's Coventry Airport (EGBE). This nice scenery has been created by Peter Larkham. Coventry was used by some supplemental British airlines in our period. Thanks! Last updated on 10/19/08. Replacement AFCAD file that allows classic AI aircraft to operate here. Last modified on 10/19/08.


FS2004 1963 Hong Kong Kai Tak Airport. Jim Vile and I have created this backdated Kai Tak scenery, as it was before the huge expansion of the 1980's, and its replacement by the even larger Chek Lap Kok airport in 1998. Jim has created approaches that you can use with ATC, including the famous 47 degree right turn to final to runway 13 (the "checkerboard approach")(request the LDA rwy 13 for the IGS). Jim has also created a modern version. Last updated on 5/27/06.

FS2004 Tokyo Haneda Airport 1962/1965 (RJTT). Now version 2 with oilspots and more details!  Aaron Seymour and I have created this fantastic rendition of Tokyo's international airport in the classic era, Haneda. Aaron did a great job using library objects for the terminal, while I created some of the hangars in GMAX. In 1965 a new runway was added parallel to the existing runway, and the old runway became the parallel taxiway. The JAMCO hangars in the distance also became JAL. Thanks Aaron! Last updated on 2/23/19. FSX conversion..  Last updated on 1/30/23.

FS2004 Asia Pacific Scenery 1962. Mike has done it again! With the help of Wolfgang Gersch and myself, he has backdated or created over 100 airports on islands in the Eastern Pacific, Philippines, South Korea, North Korea, China, and many others. He has created custom GMAX terminals for the major airports, and used library objects for the rest. Great job! Last updated on 1/23/12.

FS2004 Indochina Scenery 1962. This amazing scenery from Mike Stevens includes Hanoi Gia Lam, Da Nang airbase, Saigon Tan Son Nhut, Vientiane Laos, Phnom Penh Cambodia, Rangoon and Mandalay Burma, along with some medium sized airports and some small airport AFCAD files. This is one detailed scenery - look at the custom people figures in the shot above! Vintage billboards at Saigon also add to the atmosphere. Thanks so much! Last updated on 4/7/09.

FS2004 Jakarta Kemayoran Airport 1962 (WIID). Now version 2!   Wolfgang Gersch and Mike Stevens have done a wonderful job on this complex terminal and little known airport. Kemayoran was Indonesia's original international airport, and has since been closed. Thanks guys! Updated AFCAD file.  Last updated on 12/18/17.

FS2004 Bangkok Don Muang Airport 1961 (VTBD).
Here is Bangkok, Thailand in 1961, created by Wofgang Gersch, Jaap Baare, and myself. While very few pictures of the airport surfaced, Wolfgang did a great job. I created the GMAX terminal, while Jaap textured much of it. Last updated on 3/17/08.

FS2004 Tel Aviv Lod Airport 1961 (LLBG). Lod was and is Tel Aviv's major airport, used for all airline flights in 1961, and most international flights today. Mike Stevens used GMAX to create the terminal and many of the hangars and other buildings at the airport.Four other airports have also been backdated: Eilath (LLET), Sde Dov (LLSD), Mahanaim (LLIB), and Beer Sheeba (Teyman LLBS). These cities constituted the entire route network of Arkia, the local airline of Israel, in 1961. Thanks Mike! Last updated on 10/31/08.

FS2004 Tehran Mehrabad Airport (OIII) 1960. This wonderful airport has been created by Wolfgang Gersch and Jaap de Baare. The GMAX terminal is just great, and all the little details around the parking lots is amazing. This continues Wolfgang's Silk Road project, with airports from London to Sydney. Great job, guys! Last updated on 1/19/09.

Beirut Airport
FS2004 Beirut Lebanon Airport 1959 (OLBA). Wolfgang Gersch, Jaap de Baare, and I have created this scenery of the major hub in the Middle East, Beirut. It held this position for many years, until internal strife made the country too dangerous for connecting air travel. So go back to the wonderful days when your arrival was greeted with "Bienvenue au Liban". Last updated on 2/6/08.

Syria and Jordan

FS2004 Syria and Jordan Airports 1962.  Mike Stevens has created this scenery that includes all airline served airports in Syria and Jordan in 1962.  It includes Amman and the old airport at Damascus, along with many smaller airports.  Last updated on 3/27/21.


FS2004 Kabul Airport 1963 (OAKB).  Kabul international airport was built by engineers from the Soviet Union in 1960 when Afghanistan was trying to catch up with other developed countries in all areas, including tourism. The government planned to attract travelers from the US, India, and Europe through transit flights. This scenery by Juan Antonio Martinez Castro depicts Kabul International Airport around 1963.  Thanks!  Last updated on 10/2/23.

FS2004 Casablanca Cazes (Anfa)  Airport 1955 (GMMC).  Thanks to Ken Lawson for creating this very nice rendition of one of Morocco's main airports at the time.  Last updated on 6/24/22.

Dhahran 1954
FS004 Dhahran Airport 1954 (OEDR).  Ken Lawson,  Al Von Pingel, and Dan French  have created this scenery that was a common stop between Europe and Asia.  It also includes extra US military AI traffic.  Thanks to all!  Last updated on 7/27/21.

Baghdad Al Muthana
FS2004 Baghdad Al Muthana Airport 1955 (Z15M).  Baghdad was a major airport in the middle east with several European airlines using it as a stop on the way to Asia.  Al Muthana airport was used until the 1980s when a new airport opened (ORBS).  Another fine scenery from Ken Lawson,  Al Von Pingel, Kalle Busse, and Dan French.  Thanks!  Last updated on 4/22/22.

Trucial States Airports
FS2004 Trucial States 1961 Scenery. This scenery covers the old Trucial States in the Middle East - Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the UAE today. This includes airports at Duba, Doha,i and Abu Dhabi. This fine scenery was created by Juan Antonio Martinez C. and Julius Czarnecki. Thanks! Last updated on 2/8/14.


FS2004 Basra Maquil 1957 and Abadan 1960 Scenery.  Finlay Fraser has created both of these airports, which were important stopping points for several airlines in our era.  He has also modified the city of Basra to backdate it and add extra detail.  Thanks!  Last updated on 3/25/16.

Calcutta Airport
FS2004 Calcutta Dum Dum Airport 1960 (VECC). Dum Dum airport in Calcutta (now called Kolkata) was on the main BOAC and QANTAS route between Australia and Britain, and was a destination for many Asian airlines in India. Wolfgang Gersch created this nostalgic look back at a very interesting place. Thanks! Last updated on 12/31/07.

FS2004 Colombo Ratamala Airport 1960 (VCCC).  This was Ceylon's main airport until Katunayake (an RAF base) was expanded in 1967.  Both airports are included in this package from Aaron Seymour - thanks!  There is also a 1972 version included, with Katunayake being the main airport.  Last updated on 4/14/19.

Singapore Airport
FS2004 Singapore Paya Lebar Airport 1961 (WSAP). Paya Lebar was the main airport at Singapore until Changi was opened in 1981. Wolfgang Gersch has performed his magic once again to bring this old airport to life - thanks!! Last updated on 12/18/07.

Karachi Airport
FS2004 1960 Karachi Airport (OPKC). Wolfgang Gersch has created this wonderfully "period" airport, complete with semicircular terminal. It was an important stopover on the route between Europe and Asia. Thanks! Last updated on 12/13/07.  FSX version converted by Casey Brasel.  Last updated on 4/2/16.

South America

Buenos Aires

FS2004 Buenos Aires Ezeiza Airport 1961 (SAEZ).  This important airport is often  the end point of many international flights to South America, whether via the east coast or the west.  It was the most important airport in Argentina, served by most of the important international airlines.  Harry Biard, Alejandro Ramirez, Jaap de Baare and Wolfgang Gersch all contributed to this large and elaborate project, and it turned out great!  Thanks, guys.  Last updated on 2/26/16.

Buenos Aires

FS2004 Buenos Aires/Colonia Airport Scenery (SABE, SUCA).  This is the second part of the Rio de la Plata project, Ezeiza airport above was the first.  In addition to Jorge Newbery (Argentina) and Colonia (Uruguay), it also includes five other airfields and five  military airbases, along with lots of other details and landmarks. Plenty of local and military AI traffic is also included. Alejandro Ramirez along with Harry Biard, Jaap de Baare and Bernard Leuenberger all contribted to this giant project.  For the AI traffic you also need to download the aircraft pack.  Thanks to everyone!  Last updated on 9/3/2020.

Santos Dumont

FS2004 Rio de Janeiro Santos Dumont Airport 1962 (SBRJ).  This scenery also includes photo scenery of Rio, and therefore is very large (74 MB).  This is the domestic airport in Rio, and is famous for its short runways and downtown location.  A very simple Galeao airport scenery (SBGL, the international airport) is also included, with backdated photo scenery.  Thanks!  Last updated on 12/16/2018.

FS2004 La Paz El Alto Airport 1963 (SLLP). One of the highest commercial airline airports in the world, you better have your power settings correct when you take off from here! Jaap de Baare created the GMAX terminal, while Harry Biard created the rest of the buildings and all the little details. I helped with the landclass and VTP roads. Thanks! Last updated on 4/02/08.

FS2004 Bogota Eldorado Airport 1960 (SKBO).  This beautiful scenery was created by Frank Gonzalez - thanks!  Last updated on 4/16/20.

FS2004 Caracas Maiquetía Airport 1960 (SVMI).  A major airport on the south end of the Caribbean, Maiquetía was actually a short distance from the city of Caracas.  Julius Czarnecki has created this airport for those flights south.  Thanks!   Last updated on 12/16/14.

Lima Airport
FS2004 Lima-Callao Airport 1965 (SPIM). One of the crossroads of western South America, Lima has been served by a wide variety of airlines from all over the world .Juan Antonio Martinez Castro has recreated this airport for us as it was in 1965 - thanks! Last updated on 1/20/12.

FS2004 Recife Airport 1962 (SBRF).  This airport by Wolfgang Gersch and Harry Biard was an important jumping off point for flights from South America to Europe and Africa.  Looks great!  Last updated on 5/31/16.

FS2004 Brasilia Airport 1962 (SBBR).  A rarity, a completely new city built for Brazil's capital, Brasilia was served by this modest terminal for several years.  All part of a Brasilia city scenery (it has always been known for its striking architecture) from Juan Antonio Martinez Castro - thanks!  Last updated on 5/4/15.

Cali Airport
FS2004 Cali Calipuerto Airport 1962 (SKCP).  Mike Stevens has created this nice scenery for the old airport of a major city in Colombia.  Thanks!  Last updated on 1/3/19.

FS2004 Guayaquil Simon Bolivar Airport 1962 (SEGU).  The most populous city in Ecuador, Guayaquil was an important stop along the west coast of South America.  Juan Antonio Martinez Castro has done a great job on this airport scenery - the new terminal had just been built and he even included the murals painted on the land side.  Thanks!  Last updated on 12/5/12.

FS2004 Ushuaia Naval Base Airport 1962 (SAWO).  Mike Stevens has created the classic airport for the southernmost major city in the world, Ushuaia, Argentina.  Now a tourist destination for nature tours and cruise ships going around Cape Horn, it has always been the jumping off point for ships and aircraft heading for Antarctica.    Thanks!  Last updated on 7/25/2016.

FS2004 Maracaibo Grano de Oro Airport 1962 (SVMO). Cesar Marcano created this simple scenery for an airport that has since been closed, and I edited the AFCAD file to backdate the parking, etc. Thanks! Last updated on 7/25/08.


FS2004 1961 Sydney Kingsford-Smith Airport (YSSY). The busiest airport in Australia, this fine airport was created by Wolfgang Gersch, Jaap de Baare, Adrian Wainer, and myself. This airport includes details not often seen in classic scenery before this, including 3D signs, busses, flags, and other details. There are separate terminals for TAA/East-West, Ansett-ANA/NSW Airlines, and QANTAS/International. Thanks! Last updated on 11/12/08.

Melbourne Essendon
FS2004 1959 Melbourne Essendon Intl Airport (YMEN).  A major domestic destination in Australia is Melbourne, and as you can see home of the 1956 Olympic games (note the rings on the international terminal).  This fine scenery is from  Juan Antonio Martinez Castro - thanks!  Last updated on 3/8/15.

FS2004 1962 Adelaide Intl Airport (YPAD).  Another great airport from Aaron Seymour, Adelaide is the major city on the central southern coast of Australia.  Thanks!  Last updated on 4/21/19.  Also includes a 1972 version and Hobart (YMHB).

FS2004 1962 Hobart Intl Airport (YMHB).  The other airport included in this package is Hobart, Tasmania.  Another fine job from Aaron Seymour.  Last updated on 4/21/19.  Also includes a 1972 version and Adelaide (YPAD).


FS2004 1965 Brisbane Eagle Farm Airport (YBBN).  Aaron Seymour has created this excellent representaion of Brisbane's major airport.  Also included is the airport in 1975 and 1963/1973 Perth Intl..  Thanks!  Last updated on 3/1/19.  Replacement AFCAD file to allow proper AI parking at terminal.  Place into the installed folder, replacing the original file.


FS2004 1963 Perth Intl. Airport (YPPH).  Aaron also created this airport, an important stopover on the route from Australia to Africa, flown by QANTAS and South African Airways.  Thanks again.  Also included is the airport in 1973 and 1965/1975 Brisbane Eagle Farm.  Last updated on 3/1/19.

FS2004 1960 Darwin Intl. Airport (YPDN). This very nice stop on the way from Europe to Sydney was created by Wolfgang Gersch, who has become a master at the creation of classic airports - thanks! Last updated on 4/16/08.

Auckland Airport
FS2004 1962 Auckland Whenuapai Airport (NZWP). Wolfgang Gersch has created a great rendition of an airport few even know about. Whenuapai was the main Auckland (New Zealand) airport for many years, until the current airport opened in 1965. Great job! Last updated on 5/19/08.

FS2004 1962/63 Christchurch (NZCH) and Wellington (NZWN) Airports.  Here are two more classic New Zealand airports, Christchurch and Wellington.  Aaron Seymour created these, and thanks for filling in the NZ map.  Also includes 1970s versions as well as a 1965 version of Aukland Intl (NZAA).  Last updated on 4./14/19.


Africa 1960. This magnificent package from Wolfgang Gersch, Harry Biard, Jaap de Baare, Mike Stevens, Nikko Yaginuma, Johan Dees and myself contains 105 airports - virtually all that had airline service back then! Almost all the large airports were created using GMAX or Sketchup custom terminals, and the smaller airport use library objects instead. This one package will backdate the continent to the early 1960's, when travelling there was a real challenge, and could provide some real excitement. Note that you should deactivate any existing classic African scenery (Cairo (HECA), Entebbe (HUEN), Khartoum (HSSS), Leopoldville (FZAA) and Livingstone (FLLI)) since this package replaces those efforts. Thanks to everyone involved! Last updated on 10/20/10.


FS2004 Tunis El Aouina Airport 1960 (DTTA)  This fine airport was created by Michael "Sabi" Schneider, Wolfgang Gersch, Harry Biard and Tom Gibson.  It's nice to have another North African airport to fly into, isn't it?  France built this classic airport after WWII, and it became the headquarters of the airline Tunisair.  Thanks!  Last updated on 1/19/16.

Wheelus AFB

FS2004 Wheelus AFB 1955-1962 (HLLM).  Wheelus AB was a USAF base located in Tripoli Libya until it was closed in 1970.  Wheelus served many purposes: as a MATS station; as a Reflex base hosting various bombers for short rotations at different times; and as a gunnery and bombing training facility supporting many United States Air Forces in Europe squadrons which flew in for month long training sessions to practice live gunnery and bomb training exercises at the nearby El-Uotia Gunnery Range. This is also included in the scenery. Separate traffic is provided for 1955, 1957, 1959 and 1962, each schedule reflecting a mix of visiting squadrons and aircraft types.  By Al Von Pingel, Ken Lawson and Dan French.  Thanks!  Last updated on 7/24/23.  

FS2004 Windhoek Eros Airport 1962 (FYWE).  Another great airport from Aaron Seymour, this time in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).  Also includes a 1965 version of the later J.G Strijdom Int'l airport.  Thanks!  Last updated on 4/30/19.

Ocean Stations

Ocean Stations
FS2004 Ocean Stations.
Now with wakes and smoke! I've created 18 stations as they were at various times between 1950 and 1981 (see text file for times certain stations were in operation). They are located in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, including the famous Ocean Station November between Hawaii and California. I've included a GMAX ship at each station, graciously provided by Mitsuya Hamaguchi (hama) and repainted into period colors. I've included AI ships painted for the USA, UK, France, Norway, and Japan, since they operated these stations. Each station comes complete with an NDB homing beacon and a DME to get your distance from the ship. You will also be able to contact the ship for a location check and a weather report. Now supports 1955 AI traffic. Last updated on 7/9/2021. Replacement effects file adds smoke from the stack. Last updated on 9/15/08. Version for use in Multiplayer (ship doesn't disappear). Disadvantage - US ships at all stations. Last updated on 2/12/07.