FS2004/FSX Panels
DC-6/DC-6B KMCC Panel. Download
this panel by downloading the UAL DC-6B Base Pack. This
panel is based on the wonderful panel by Ken "Mitch" Mitchell - thanks
so much! Instructions included to install the panel into FSX. Green
panel option by Eric Joiner and Tom Gibson.
DC-7/DC-7B/DC-7C KMCC Panel. Download
this panel by downloading the UAL DC-7 Base Pack. This panel
is based on the wonderful panel by Ken "Mitch" Mitchell - thanks so
much! Instructions included to install the panel into FSX. Green
panel option by Eric Joiner and Tom Gibson.
CV-340/CV-240 KMCC Panel. Download these panels
by downloading the UAL CV-340 and the AAL CV-240 Base Packs.
This panel is based on the wonderful panel bitmap by Alan Jennings and gauges
by Ken "Mitch" Mitchell - thanks so much! Instructions included to
install the panel into FSX.
FS2004/FSX Martin
4-0-4 Panel Download
this panel by downloading the Pacific M404 Base Pack. I have modifed the panel from Ryan Miller, based on an actual
photograph of a 404's cockpit! Thanks a lot Ryan! Ryan's original panel. Last updated on 6/5/06.
Panel Here's a Connie panel from Hans-Joerg Naegele,Wolfram Beckert,
Howard Sodja, and Jan Visser, and just look at it! It includes a Flight
Engineer's panel too. Comes with all new XML gauges and a detailed HTML
flight manual. Looking good - thanks! Last updated on 4/9/04.
Boeing B314 Panel Here is a great panel for the B-314 flying
boat from Ken Mitchell. Use it with FSAviator's flight dynamics and Mike Stone's
plane, both available from the B-314 page.