After WW II, several manufacturers began work on a DC-3 replacement for short hauls. The early leader in the race was Martin, with it's 2-O-2 flying several months before any competitor. Northwest Airlines launched 2-O-2 service in November 1947, and it proved to be a popular aircraft until the cause of a 1948 crash was found to be structural fatigue in the major wing spar. The planes were then withdrawn for rebuilding and re-engining, and the airlines had a change of heart and ordered the competing Convair CV-240 instead. The 2-O-2's successor, the improved and pressurized 3-O-3 was cancelled, and it looked like Martin was out of the airliner business. However, they fought back with an even more improved model, the 4-O-4. Most airlines were committed to Convair by then, however, and sales prospects looked slim.
TWA and Eastern at the time were negotiating with Convair for an improved plane, the "Super 240". However, when TWA and Eastern officials came to the Convair plant in San Diego to sign the preliminary papers, they were informed that the project was summarily cancelled, and that they would have to buy stock CV-240's! Orders were soon placed with Martin for 101 4-O-4's for the two airlines, although those ended up being the only ones sold to airline customers. The 4-O-4 proved to be as popular as the competing Convair-Liners, and they served their owners well. After being sold to numerous second tier airlines, they proved to have a remarkably long lifespan, although they didn't go through the turboprop metamorphosis of the Convair series. Almost (?) all 4-O-4's have been retired, although at least 2 survive in the airshow circuit.
FS2004/FSX Pacific Air Lines 4-0-4 CB-16 Base
Pack. Dee Waldron has created this very nice 404, based
on my old FS98 version, and I've painted it into the colors of Pacific Air Lines,
the Local Service Airline in California. Pacific was later merged with
West Coast and Bonanza to form Air West, one of the first Regionals. Enjoy!
Includes the Martin KMCC panel with correct Martin bitmap and Prop Sounds!
Last modified on 6/18/13.
FS2004/FS2002/FSX Southern Airways 4-0-4 CB-3 Base Pack. (no image) When Eastern Air Lines bought their M404's,they specified R-2800 CB-3 engines. These only have a single speed supercharger and thus do not do as well at high altitudes. This base pack includes my Southern Airways textures, along with FSAviator's flight dynamics for the CB-3 engine. You must download and install the Pacific M404 above to get the proper panel and sounds! Last updated on 6/18/13.
FS2004/FSX Pacific Airlines 2-0-2A Base
Pack. While this aircraft still uses Dee's M404 model, it is
painted to represent Pacific's M202 fleet, and includes M202A flight dynamics
from FSAviator. You must download and install the Pacific M404 above
to get the proper panel and sounds! Last updated on 6/18/13.
FS2004 Pacific Airlines 4-0-4. Gary Harper has done
a very nice job on Dee's 404, painting it into the later gray/white/red colors
of Pacific. Look at that lineup of twins in the shot! Textures only
- you must also download the Pacific 404 above.
Last updated on 1/5/07.
FS2004 TWA 4-0-4. Wayne Tudor has painted up Dee's 404
into the TWA colors the 404's wore all their lives. While the 202 was a disaster
for Northwest, the 404 was a safe and reliable workhorse for TWA and Eastern.
Textures only - you must also download the Pacific 404 above.
Thanks! Last updated on 3/17/05. TWA Martin 2-0-2A by Gary Harper.
FS2004 California Central
2-O-2. California Central was a local airline in the 50's that flew
around Central California. They didn't last too long, but Gary Harper
has painted the little Martin into its bright colors (closely based on Northwest's
colors - that's where they got the 202's from!). There was also an airline
called California Hawaiian which used almost identical colors on DC-4's and
Connies. Textures only - you must also download the Pacific 202A above,
and the Pacific 404 above for the panel and sounds.
Last modified on 4/15/10.