High quality R-3350 DC-7 stereo sounds are available from Jon Jefferys. These are the best I've heard so far. They are designed to be used with the FS2004 slow engine startup. This package is downloaded separately; the base packs include a much smaller PropSound package. Last updated on 10/30/13. Update that reduces sound when engines are stopped. Last updated on 11/1/2013.
To repaint this model you can use the Paint kit for GMAX DC-7's. Contains layered PSD files (usable in both Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro) which allow you to place your paint scheme between the bare metal layers and the windows and doors. Makes for fast painting! Note: there are no actual painting instructions in the file; follow the detailed instructions in my Repainting Tutorial. Please read the included text file for details for each DC-7 model. Now includes opening door shapes and freight doors for the DC-7CF and DC-7F (20 MB). Description of the DC-7CF interior textures here and here. Last updated on 10/31/13.
FS2004 BOAC DC-7CF Base Pack.
FS2004 ONLY! I have used the DC-6A and DC-7C to model the freighter conversion of the DC-7C.
Several airlines made this conversion after the jets arrived, since the DC-7C
was now surplus but still quite new. This BOAC example was painted by Jens Kristensen
- thanks! Read the text file to learn how to control the doors and ground equipment.
Requires the United DC-7 Base Pack for panel and
sounds. Last modified on 3/12/23.
FSX/P3D DC-7F Base Pack. I have converted the models to FSX native for use in FSX and P3D. This is a complete Base Pack and does not require the Base Pack above. Requires the FSX/P3D UAL DC-7 Base Pack for panel and sounds. Last updated on 3/12/23.
FS2004/FSX Pan American 1960 DC-7CF Seven Seas.
Frank Gonzalex has painted up this very nice rendition of a Pan
Am DC-7CF, which was used on many long distance freight flights in the
1960s. Thanks! Use the textures only - requires the BOAC DC-7CF Base Pack (above) and theUnited DC-7
Base Pack for panel and sounds. Last modified on 7/22/18.